Electron - Serious Issue with UBlox AT Communication for retrieving large result sets

I am using a particle sim. It seems like some commands killing the interface and others don’t … and I don’t think it has something to do with waiting for the network (but I am not quite sure) as with AT+CLAC (which simply reads all the possible AT commands from the chip) it is the same problem … call it once …it usually doesn’t finish … call it twice … the interface is dead …

In addition, I extended my TextScript ( Electron AT Commands - Tests & Issues (Cell Location / GSM Tracking) ) with LoopPoints in the callback handler.

Just turn on the modem with '1’
Enter ‘AT+CCID’ - works as expeted (2 Loops - one for the CCID - one for the OK)'
Enter ‘AT+CLAC’ - readout AT Commands from UBlox Chipset - may end with a 'OK or breaks after some loops
Enter ‘AT+CLAC’ for the second time … breaks usually after the first loop
Enter ‘AT+CCID’ doesn’t return feedback anymore - interface is dead

This behavior indicates an interface problem …
BTW … my cellular chipset is the ‘Ublox Sara G350’ if this matters by any means …