Electron - Serious Issue with UBlox AT Communication for retrieving large result sets

You are likely just not able to grab all of the URC info out of the callback handler before the timeout occurs, or you get an OK response which will terminate the looping of data in the callback handler. I’ve created some cheater ways to get the data… and have some even better ways to get it, but need to think about the best way to work it into the Cellular.command() API first.

I see you want to get at the COPS=5 command from your other post: Electron AT Commands - Tests & Issues (Cell Location / GSM Tracking)

I run this COPS=5 command in the Electron Troubleshooting app as the last command in the n command. For instructions on how to run this app, check the very bottom of the 0.5.0-rc.1 release: https://github.com/spark/firmware/releases/tag/v0.5.0-rc.1

Source code for this Electron Troubleshooting app is here: