"Has it changed anything?"
I’m a frayed knot.
I’m now keeping a spreadsheet with columns labelled :
breathing cyan?
diagnostics (as per the Particle console page)
ping (ditto)
functions found (ditto)
I don’t start a new row of entries until I observe the Electron LED breathing cyan.
At such each time, I fill the corresponding cells with y/n to indicate pass/fail on each of the test criteria.
So far, I have not had a single row indicating pass on all 4 tests.
Often, when a test fails, I notice that the electron LED has started flashing cyan - sometimes fast, sometimes slow.
I’ll give your code a spin and see whether I can reproduce your issue.
With this slightly altered code, I can’t see any issue whatsoever
Are you using the Particle SIM or 3rd party?
It’s a Particle SIM.
I inserted some calls to Cellular.RSSI() into my test code.
It consistently returns signal strength of around -100dB (range -95 to -111) and quality of 7. Both of these are distinctly marginal in my estimation. I hope the outdoor antenna and extension cable that I have ordered will help.
In the meantime, testing continues.
I implemented the improvements you suggested in my test code. Thank you for the input.