I’m attempting to use the Push Notification arduino example sketch (on Blynk’s documentation page) with my Photon but I’m running into issues with this command:
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), notifyOnButtonPress, CHANGE);
The Photon doesn’t recognize “digitalPinToInterrupt(2)” syntax.
I’ve tried the following which will all complie:
attachInterrupt(D2, notifyOnButtonPress, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(2, notifyOnButtonPress, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(V2, notifyOnButtonPress, CHANGE);
but still am unable to Push a Notification when I press the button…My Photon also freezes up if I press the button too many times repeatedly but I believe this is due to the 1 Push msg per minute limit.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated!