[Submission] Xively data logger Library (XivelyLib)

Hello this is my modular and configurable Xively data logger, built for Spark Core, usefull to send datapoints to your xively feed.
Found it here: https://github.com/davidegironi/spark-xivelylib
More info here: http://davidegironi.blogspot.it/2014/11/a-xively-logger-library-for-spark-core.html

Hope this helps :wink:


Great @hozone!, thanks for sharing.

Could you please add more explanations for newer users? There is a lot going on in this sketch and it is hard to understand what to modify and where to insert the new code.

There are two main functions:
The updateDatapoints function is the function used for send data to Xively. responseListener check the reponse from Xively.