Strange Electron event

I looked for the category “Troubleshooting” but it isn’t selectable, so this category is my best guess as to where this query should be posted.

My application employs two Electrons that, together, control the on/off status of a pump in a water well. Under normal circumstances, firmware on an Electron named ‘Tank’ at the location of a large water storage tank sends a ‘0’ or a ‘1’ to another Electron named ‘Pump’ located at the wellhead about 1500 feet away. A ‘0’ indicates that the pump should be off, while a ‘1’ indicates - as a function of a float switch in the tank - that the pump should come on.

Due to problems with a float switch in the tank, the ‘Tank’ Electron has been unplugged for a while and the pump has been controlled manually by calling an on/off function in the firmware running on the ‘Pump’ Electron. Yesterday, the ‘Pump’ Electron went off line briefly, likely due to a loss of cellular signal (happens a lot; signal is very weak at all times). When the device came back on line, the code on that Electron executed a Particle.publish command that placed an entry in the event log suggesting that the ‘Tank’ Electron sent a ‘1’ and the pump was turned on. If I hadn’t noticed it and manually turned the pump off, the tank would have eventually overflowed.

Since the ‘Tank’ Electron is off line - and has been for a couple of weeks - there is no way it could have sent anything. So my question is: how/why was the myHandler routine invoked if there is no incoming event? This has never happened before, so I am both perplexed and concerned that it could happen again.

Following is the myHandler routine. I have also attached a screenshot of the event log that shows the event in question…At the very bottom of this post I have also provided the entire code running on the ‘Pump’ Electron.

void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data)
    if (manualTimer){ // Do not react to publishes if command was sent to manually turn pump on for time period.
    if (manualSwitch){ // Do not react to publishes if command was sent to manually turn pump on.
    lastTankUpdate = millis();
    if ( linkUp == false ){
        linkUp = true; // If the ink was previously down, it just now came up
//        Particle.publish("Link", "Up", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging
  String d = String(data);
    int status = d.toInt();
    if (status & 1){
        pumpOn = true;
        if (relayState == 0){
            relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
            pumpOnTime = millis(); // Set start time
            pumpFault = false;
            Particle.publish("Status", "Tank On", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging         
        pumpOn = false;
        pumpFault = false;
        if (relayState == 1){
            relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
            Particle.publish("Status", "Tank Off", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging

Does anyone have any idea what could have caused this?

Entire code:

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <NCD2Relay.h>

NCD2Relay controller;

unsigned long previousMillis = 0; 
unsigned long lastPublish = millis();
unsigned long lastReset = millis();
unsigned long lastTankUpdate = millis();
static unsigned long pumpOnTime = 0;
static unsigned long tempRuntime = 0;
int relayState;
int previousStatus;
bool manualTimer = false;
bool manualSwitch = false;
bool linkUp = true;
bool pumpFault = false;
bool pumpOn = false;

void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data);

void setup() {
    Particle.variable("Pump_Status", relayState);
    Particle.function("Pump_On_Off", triggerRelay);    
    Particle.function("Pump_Minutes", pumpWaterNow);  // Gets runtime in minutes from calling funtion on Particle Console; value must be an Integer....1,2,3, etc.
    controller.setAddress(0,0,0); // Re-initialize processor
    relayState = controller.readRelayStatus(1); // Set variable to current state of relay #1
    Particle.subscribe("IO", myHandler, MY_DEVICES); // Look for incoming IO message from tank
    linkUp = true;
    lastReset = millis();

void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data)
    if (manualTimer){ // Do not react to publishes if command was sent to manually turn pump on for time period.
    if (manualSwitch){ // Do not react to publishes if command was sent to manually turn pump on.
    lastTankUpdate = millis();
    if ( linkUp == false ){
        linkUp = true; // If the ink was previously down, it just now came up
//        Particle.publish("Link", "Up", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging
  String d = String(data);
    int status = d.toInt();
    if (status & 1){
        pumpOn = true;
        if (relayState == 0){
            relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
            pumpOnTime = millis(); // Set start time
            pumpFault = false;
            Particle.publish("Status", "Tank On", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging         
        pumpOn = false;
        pumpFault = false;
        if (relayState == 1){
            relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
            Particle.publish("Status", "Tank Off", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging

// Function to turn pump on or off manually:
int triggerRelay(String command){ 
    String relayCommand = command;
	if (relayCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("on")){
	   relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
	   Particle.publish("Status", "Manual On", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging
	   manualSwitch = true;
	   return 1;
	if (relayCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("off")){
	   relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
	   Particle.publish("Status", "Manual Off", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging
	   manualSwitch = false;
	   return 1;

// Function to turn pump on for a specified number of minutes
int pumpWaterNow(String command) { // Gets Runtime in Minutes; value must be an Integer....1,2,3, etc.
    tempRuntime = ( command.toInt() * 60 * 1000 ); // Minutes * 60 seconds * 1000 ms
    previousMillis = millis();
    controller.turnOnRelay(1); // Turn ON Water Pump
    relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
    Particle.publish("Status", "Timer On", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notifciation and logging
    manualTimer = true;
    while ( (millis() - previousMillis) < (tempRuntime) ) { // Better than delay()
    }  // End While
    controller.turnOffRelay(1);  // Turn OFF Water Pump
    relayState = controller.readRelayStatus (1);
	Particle.publish("Status", "Timer Off", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging
    manualTimer = false;  
} // End pumpWaterNow Function

void loop(){
    if (pumpOn){
        if (pumpFault == false){ // No previous fault reported
            if ( millis() - pumpOnTime > 10800000){ // If pump has been on for over 3 hours
                Particle.publish("Status", "Pump Fail?", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notification and logging if pump has been running longer than 2 hours
                pumpFault = true;
                pumpOnTime = millis(); // Set newstart time
    if (pumpOn == false){ // Don't want to execute the following code if the pump is running
        if ( millis() > lastReset + 3600000 ){ // If it's been more than 60 minutes since last reset
        controller.setAddress(0,0,0); // Reinitialize the MCP23008 chip on the NCD relay board
        lastReset = millis(); // Reset last initialization time to current program time
    if ( millis() - lastTankUpdate > 720000 ){ // If it's been more than 12 minutes since last 'IO' message from tank
        controller.turnOffRelay(1); // In case pump was running when link was lost, turn it off to avoid overfilling
        lastTankUpdate = millis(); // Reset tank update time to current program time
//        Particle.publish("Link", "Down", PRIVATE); // Send status to IFTTT for notifciation and logging
        linkUp = false; // Link is down
    if ( millis() - lastPublish > 600000 ){ // Has 10 minutes elapsed since last keepalive?
//        Particle.publish("KA", "OK", PRIVATE); // Send an "I'm here" keepalive to tank
        lastPublish = millis(); // Reset last keepalive time to current program time

What value do you get for int status = d.toInt() ?
Where are you getting your string d data from ?

Is your float switch loop powered ? (i.e; 2 wire or 3 wire sensor)

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