Spark Pixels app updated to support L3D Cube

My Spark Pixels project was originally released to control a strip of WS2812B Neopixels driven by a Core or a Photon. Shortly after the initial release, I stumbled across @wmoecke porting my firmware over to be used with the L3D Cube. Since then, I have collaboratively worked with him to add some new features to the Spark Pixels app that will make the Cube experience a little more stellar. You can get the firmware for the Cube here.
Some of the features include scrolling text, Auto Shut Off control (times configured in the firmware), and switch options to enable/disable extra features within a mode.
If you don’t have the Cube, there are some nice additions that can be used for strips or for matrix’s too. Get the firmware for strips here.

##Spark Pixels is expandable!##
Make your own modes - add your mode code to the sketch on Particle’s web IDE, then re-start the Spark Pixels app. The app will update with your new mode. For instructions on how to add a new mode to the sketch see the README.

##Debug Tool##
You can find the Get Cloud Variable option in the menu for debugging or to get other configurable cloud variables. This is a really neat feature, the dialog will populate a drop down box with all of your published cloud variables.

##L3D Cube##
Finally, here is a neat little Christmas tree I made for the L3D Cube.