Spark Core - Three Red Flashes

All my Sparks are in some strange state. It will boot, start to connect to WiFi and then 3 RED FLASHES and restarts. I tried new, old, does not seem to make a difference. Do we know what’s going on?

Factory Reset - apply WiFi credentials w/ Tinker app = 3 red flashes.
I’ve rebooted my router, no effect.

UPDATE: Now it’s working. I’ll do some research in this forum but I don’t remember coming across this light sequence.

Hi @mtnscott,

Thanks for posting! We just had a brief window of downtime, sorry about that, when that happens we try to update the status page as soon as possible:

Should be back now


Thanks @Dave Just found that reference to the cloud in another doc. Sorry about the panic. Guess it’s a first for me… I’m used to seeing SOS not this. :smile: