Po-util: The Ultimate Local Particle Experience for Linux and macOS

First, thanks a lot for this amazing tool. I finally managed to get everything as I wanted : to be able to work off-line.
Three requests/questions regarding your tool:

  1. When adding a library that has more than one set of .cpp/.h, only the files named by the library is imported. Example: I’m fetching Adafruit_SSD1306 from https://github.com/pkourany/Adafruit_SSD1306.git and I had to manually add the symbolic links to the Adafruit_GFX.* files.
  2. Not sure if you can do something about this one. The following library: Adafruit_GFX has its file within a firware directory which doesnt’t seem to be consistent with what you’re expecting. As I want to kept the “git” update available, I don’t want to mess with the directory in ~.po-util/lib.
  3. Adding automatically the header may be fine for some user but in my case, and I shouldn’t be the only one ;), the main.cpp is not where I want to add the headers. So maybe keep this as an option ?

Once again, your tools is pretty amazing, and really usefull !


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