Photon to mySQL DB

That helped a ton.

I’ve gone ahead and included the HTTPClient library and now my test is successfully inserting rows into the database.

Here’s the working code so far. My new confusion is how do i put my sensor variables into the actual GET request?

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <HttpClient.h>

sensor example values, which i’m not sure how to include in the request.path or the request.body

int lightsensor = 10;
int tempsensor = 5;

HttpClient http;

// Headers currently need to be set at init, useful for API keys etc.
http_header_t headers[] = {
    //  { "Content-Type", "application/json" },
    //  { "Accept" , "application/json" },
    { "Accept" , "*/*"},
    { NULL, NULL } // NOTE: Always terminate headers will NULL

http_request_t request;
http_response_t response;

void setup() {

void loop() {
    Serial.println("Application>\tStart of Loop.");
    // Request path and body can be set at runtime or at setup.
    request.hostname = "";
    request.port = 80;
    request.path = "/write-datas.php";

    // The library also supports sending a body with your request:
    //request.body = "{\"key\":\"value\"}";

    // Get request
    http.get(request, response, headers);
    Serial.print("Application>\tResponse status: ");

    Serial.print("Application>\tHTTP Response Body: ");
