Photon RTC timestamp drifting


I use particle photon to ground truth a faucet on or off. I record the timestamp when a faucet on and off, then upload to the cloud. After that, I compare this date to other date that collect from the testing devices. I understand that there are some delay and time will not match exactly the same but as long as the gap is constant. However, I found out that time gap between the ground truth date and the date from the test device changing over time. It very between 1s to over 40s. I am new to this. Not sure what I did wrong. Or If anyone have idea how to troubleshoot this.

void loop ()    
 flow_frequency_0 = 0;      //Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations
 interrupts();           //Enables interrupts
 delay (300);      //Wait 1/2 second
 noInterrupts();            //Disable interrupts
 if(flow_frequency_0 > 1 )
    Particle.syncTime(); //sync the time thr wifi
    if(lastStatus_0 != OPENED_ONE)
        flow_frequency_0 = 0;      //Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations
        interrupts();           //Enables interrupts
        delay (500);      //Wait 1/2 second
        noInterrupts();            //Disable interrupts

        if(flow_frequency_0 > 1)
            status_ts =;
            itoa(status_ts, buffer_open, 10);
            strResult = String::format("{'home_id':'%s','events': [{'e':'o','t':'c','ts':%s}]}"  
                            , pwd_id, buffer_open);
            Spark.publish("sendgtdata2", strResult, 60, PRIVATE);
            //Serial.println("0 is opened");
            flashLed(50, 4);
            lastStatus_0 =  OPENED_ONE;
            Calc_0 = flow_frequency_0;
    else {Calc_0 += flow_frequency_0;}
    if(lastStatus_0 != CLOSED_ONE) 
        flow_frequency_0 = 0;      //Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations
        interrupts();           //Enables interrupts
        delay (200);      //Wait 1/2 second
        noInterrupts();            //Disable interrupts
        if(flow_frequency_0 == 0)
            status_ts =;
            itoa(status_ts, buffer_open, 10);
            strResult = String::format("{'home_id':'%s','events': [{'e':'c','t':'c','ts':%s,'f':%d}]}"  
                            , pwd_id, buffer_open, Calc_0);
            Spark.publish("sendgtdata2", strResult, 60, PRIVATE);
            //Serial.println("0 is closed");
            flashLed(50, 4);
            lastStatus_0 =  CLOSED_ONE;
            Calc_0 = 0;

Just out of interest, why are you permanently disabling/enabling interrupts?

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