Particle Tools Changelog

September 10th 2019: Device OS v1.4.0

A new Default Release Device OS v1.4.0 is available now on for Core/Photon/P1/Electron/Argon/Boron/Xenon/A SoM/B SoM/X SoM.



  • [Gen 3] Introduces BLE.begin() and BLE.end() wiring APIs #1890
  • [Gen 3] Exposes POSIX select() and poll() from socket HAL dynalib #1895
  • Nordic SoftDevice upgrade to 7.0.1


  • [Gen 3] Adds BleCharacteristic::setValue(..., BleTxRxType) API to send data with or without acknowledgement #1901
  • [Gen 3] Alternately broadcast user and Particle-specific BLE advertising data when the device is in the Listening mode #1882
  • Updates all third party dependencies (OpenThread, MbedTLS, FreeRTOS, etc.) #1864


  • [Gen 3] Fixes heap and application static RAM overlap introduced in 1.3.0-rc.1 #1898
  • [Gen 3] Many BLE bugfixes
  • Fixes an issue in IPAddress::operator bool() causing the operator to return false for valid IPv6 addresses #1912
  • Fixes #1865, TCPClient::connect() return values #1909
  • [Gen 3] BleUuid comparison operators are no longer case-sensitive #1902
  • Many other bugfixes!

:star2: Be sure to read the full collection of release notes Particle Device OS Updates Thread.