Particle threads tutorial

First of all, thanks for this, some great stuff in one place.

One note that might be useful to some folks - one can declare the thread before initializing it, giving an opportunity to set flags, initialize variables and queues in setup() or anywhere else as long as you do it before you initialize the thread. I don’t know of any disadvantage of this approach, though would gladly be corrected if it’s bad practice. An implementation might look like:

// declarations up top
Thread myThread;
void myThreadFunction(void *param);

  // do some init stuff that myThread will use

  myThread = Thread("myThreadName", myThreadFunction);   // starts the thread

Unrelated Question:
Any advantage to using os_thread_delay_until(); instead of delay();?

I’m guessing with the normal delay it still visits the thread regularly even if it doesn’t continue execution of lines of code?