Particle Device OS Updates Thread

:particle: :particle: Firmware 0.4.7 has shipped!! :particle: :particle:

(A recap on how to update.)



  • [multithreading] Application thread continues to run in listening mode
  • [multithreading] Particle.process() called from the application thread pumps application messages #659
  • Particle.variable() supports Strings #657
  • Simplified Particle.variable() API - variable type parameter is optional, and variables are passed by reference so &'s are not required.
  • I2C will generate STOP and SW Reset immediately if Slave Acknowledge failure is detected (must use pull-up resistors), instead of taking 100ms. commit


  • TCPClient unstable #672
  • Photon frequently SOS’s immediately following cloud re-connect #663
  • String.toLower() has no affect on string. #665
  • SOS due to WICED socket handlers being called when socket is disposed. #663 #672
  • Application constructors executed after RTOS startup so that HAL_Delay_Milliseconds() can be called. This may mean that STARTUP() code executes just a little later than before, but
    can safely use all public APIs.
  • Ensure bootloader region is write protected.
  • White breathing LED on exiting listening mode. #682
  • WICED not resolving DNS names with 4 parts (it was trying to decode as an IP address.)
  • SoftAP via HTTP would fail on Safari due to request sent as multiple TCP packets. Fixed WICED HTTP server. #680
  • Retained variables are not persisting, even without reset or deep sleep. #661
  • Backup RAM enabled for monolithic builds #667
  • Pure virtual call on creation of low priority std::thread #652