Library upload broken? [CLI 1.19.0-libraries.22] [was solved v23, but back in 1.19.1]

@jvanier, I’ve just tried to particle library upload a migrated lib and got this for it on CLI 1.19.1

$\Particle\Adafruit_HX8357>particle library upload
Network error from

That used to work with 1.19.0-libraries.23

Strangely enough I was able to upload another (smaller) migrated library just fine, but this one doesn’t want to be uploaded for some reason

I found the reason. One of the examples brings a 450KB demo bitmap along and hence the upload fails. Removing that file allows the upload, but then the demo is only worth half, since the displays wants a R5G6B5 bitmap which not every user may know how to produce one, just for the sake of running the sample.

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