Library for Modbus TCP

I apologize. I got tied up in a couple of projects and totally forgot. Let me try an evening this week.

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help :frowning: :persevere:
I could not run any modbus TCP in the particle photon, only the RTU-RS485.
I need modbus TCP in my particle photon but the MgsModbus-v0.1.1 transmits by spi, this does not transmit by wifi.
I death haha. please help me :persevere: :disappointed_relieved:

Hi Tom.
I’m struggling to get modbus-Tcp going on my Boron with EthernetWing.
Could you please share any code that gets no going in the right direction. Thanks a lot


Did you ever get this working? The project I’m on requires communication using Modbus TCP and haven’t found a way to do this yet.