I can do 'particle serial wifi' but get red LED

First of all I’m on an At&T modem and don’t know the security type. They didn’t tell me. I type in ‘particle serial wifi’ and I’ve been getting 3 results. Sometimes the red LED. Sometimes the blinking green LED and sometimes the blinking blue LED but never the slow pulsing cyan LED. Here is the particle CLI printout:

C:\Users\User>particle serial wifi
? Should I scan for nearby Wi-Fi networks? Yes
? Select the Wi-Fi network with which you wish to connect your device: ATT9Yhu2
Attempting to configure Wi-Fi on COM16
Serial -> SSID:
Serial <- xx
Serial -> xx
Serial -> Security 0=unsecured, 1=WEP, 2=WPA, 3=WPA2:
? Security Type WPA2
Serial <- 3
Serial -> 3
Serial -> Password:
? Wi-Fi Password xx
Serial <- xx
Serial -> xx
Serial -> Thanks! Wait while I save those credentials...
Serial ->
Serial -> Awesome. Now we'll connect!
Serial ->
Serial -> If you see a pulsing cyan light, your device
Serial -> has connected to the Cloud and is ready to go!
Serial ->
Serial -> If your LED flashes red or you encounter any other problems,
Serial -> visit https://www.spark.io/support to debug.
Serial ->
Serial ->     Spark <3 you!
Serial ->

@rfsweitzer, you can use particle setup which will attempt to auto detect the wifi network’s security type.

Let me know if it works!

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