Electron 2G unable to connect

I have updated my Electron 2G module’s Device os using CLI command [particle update]. Then i downloaded the firmware file based on latest device os and burned it inside the electron 2g module. But the module is always is in the process of connecting to the cloud (i.e.rapidly blinking cyan) and unable to connect to the cloud. In between the device goes into safe mode but still not able to connect to cloud.
Can someone please help?

Sorry to hear you’re having troubles.

Blinking cyan definitely is a cloud connection state. My first guess is that you may be in a weak coverage zone and it’s not able to transmit the full payload for connecting.

For first steps, I would see about using https://github.com/rickkas7/electron-clouddebug to debug your connection quality and see if there’s any indication of weak connection quality.

If you are inside, perhaps try taking the Electron near a window or outside to see if you’re able to establish a connection.Do consider using a stronger antenna as well, if you have one available.