Recently did a firmware release with an update to DeviceOS5.9.0.
Most devices working fine. Some however when you look on the console do not show any functions or variables, and some are returning corrupted variable data.
Rolling back just the DeviceOS on these devices restores normal operation of functions and variables.
Interesting - I had a very similar experience yesterday - but for me it worked fine when I flashed locally and never when I cloud flashed.
I tried:
removing library dependencies from the .properties file to force the cloud to use my local files
changing the target device OS from 5.9.0 to 6.2.1, then cloud flashing
And got the same result where the cloud functions would only show when I locally flashed.
Luckily for me, it was just an old test program which was very simple, so I essentially re-wrote it (with all the same functionality) and it worked fine. Super weird.
Interested to see the result of this thread though!
Done some testing, keeping the same application code on the Argon with Wiznet LAN, built against DeviceOS 5.6.0.
DeviceOS 5.6.0 All OK
Manually loaded 5.9.0, corrupted variables
Manually loaded 6.2.1, all OK
Is there a problem with 5.9.0 and the functions and variables?
We have been having lots of problems with OS updates now on Borons and Argons so are reluctant to have to update the OS on them so would prefer an application code solution to this.