Hi all, I have no experience with coding and only understand the very basics of micro-controllers. On my Electron, is there any way to make a script that basically says:
If there is connection is closed between 2 pins, send a text to phone # "Pins are connected"
If the connection is open between 2 pins, send a text to phone # “Pins are not connected”
This application is used as a way for me to know if power has been lost to a remote location, where a relay will open/close connection between 2 pins on the Electron.
You’re going to need to use a 3rd Party SIM to be able to send SMS text messages or interface with a 3rd party app like Twillio or Losant.com as your cloud backend which can handle sending out the SMS text and or email alerts once your conditions are met.
First the original question is one of the very basics on these devices.
You’d first setup a pin with pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP) and then read the state of the pin via digitalRead(pin). This will either give you a HIGH signal for the switch towards GND being open or LOW when the switch is closed.
But if you need to ask this question, the other part of your intent - to send text messages - will most likely be well beyond reach IMHO.
Thank you RWB for your quick response! I’ll be researching that now!
And thank you for the coding tips ScruffR! I’ve seen it done with a 2G shield on an Arduino Uno, however in the states, 2G is no longer supported by carriers except T-Mobile. I didn’t know if the same application could be done with the Electron.