Boron in perpetual DFU mode

Thanks to Marek in Particle Support. This is his response, which worked for me:

A number of things could lead to a state of "perpetual DFU mode" - corrupted firmware, improperly configured device OS, etc... Let's return your device to a known state!

I'm assuming you've already installed CLI, but on the off chance you haven't you can find the necessary installation instructions here.

Once you have CLI, we'll re-flash the Device OS and Tinker.

Please download from here (link) and unzip its contents into a known, accessible directory.

Open up your Terminal and navigate to this directory using cd .

Run the following two commands: particle flash --usb boron-system-part1@1.1.0.bin and particle flash --usb boron-tinker@1.1.0.bin .

Once you've done so, the device should escape DFU mode!