[SOLVED] Auth problem with electron twilio webhook

Thanks All, I have solved it. the trick ACCis that though the json above in the auth lines says


the values to put after them are not the twilio user name and password password, but the SID and Auth Key.

The correct json is therefore:

    "eventName": "Switch1Trip",
    "url": "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/MY TWILIO ACCOUNT SID/Messages",
    "requestType": "POST",
    "auth": {
        "username": "MY TWILIO ACCOUNT SID",
        "password": "MY TWILIO AUTH KEY"
    "form": {
        "From" : "TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER",
        "To" : "MY_PHONE_NUMBER",
        "Body" : "Switch 1 tripped"
    "mydevices": true