Introducing ThingySticks

ThingySticks are open source boards for the Photon and Electron, designed in stick format with a USB A plug at the end so they can go directly into a USB power brick or a USB hub to be powered without the data connection, or you can use the normal USB B socket if you prefer.

Currently available are:

Photon Prototyping PCB:

Wide format Photon Prototyping PCB:

Electron Prototyping PCB:


Latching Relay:

Quad N-Channel FETs:

Environmental Monitoring:

All the files are on the ThingySticks GitHub account and referenced from the website, if you want to make your own, you can grab the Eagle files, have the PCB made (most are already on OSH Park ready to go) and solder it up, I’m also starting to sell some Tindie if you can’t wait for the fab or don’t want the fun of soldering the SMDs!

Feedback if very much welcome!

