Final FCC certification for product containing an electron "modem"?

Hey @AnthonyD -- I'll do my best to answer:

  1. We have completed all the required tests for the G350 for PTCRB, but have not yet submitted them to the PTCRB certification body. The reason for this is that the submission of these reports is an expensive process, and we've not yet had any customers who are looking to scale with the Electron 2G. The primary reason for this is longevity of coverage--if you are interested in scaling with the 2G platform, please reach out to us to arrange a time to discuss the tradeoffs between our 2G and 3G platform.

  2. If you use an antenna with a greater gain that the included antenna, you would be required to re-complete FCC and PTCRB certification as our existing grants would no longer apply.

  3. @hfiennes said it very well -

You would need to ensure your antenna's peak gain, in every band, is less than or equal to the Taoglas antenna's peak gain, in every band. This ensures that the combination of module + your antenna will never emit more than the tested antenna did during tests.

  1. No, it does not.

Hope that helps. Please let me know if you have additional questions!

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