Bytekeeper - Bee Hive Monitor

Pleased to announce our first product has successfully completed Beta testing and we have gone live!! The Bytekeeper is an Electron enabled remote bee hive monitor. Big thanks to Particle and the community for helping us get here! :slight_smile:



The website is nice and clean.

What platform did you use for the data backend and graphing interface?

What size battery are you using with the Electrons?

Thanks! I did the hardware side and my brother did the backend side so bear with me on the answer here :slight_smile: We used Qlik for the data analytics and Amazon Web services for the online storage.

For the battery we are using the standard 2000mAh that comes with the dev kits. We had assumed that we would need to replace these (and we still will if we want to do a mass order) but they survived getting us through even the grey Seattle winter for beta test with almost no down time and more importantly no failures.


I have checked out Quick in the past, and they were one of the better-looking options on the market.

How is their pricing as far as providing custom dashboards for your clients? If I remember correctly it was expensive.

Do they offer custom password protected log-in pages for your customer’s dashboards?

What Amazon database service are you pushing the data to that Quick is pulling from? I’m asking because I have never heard of anybody else using Quick along with Particle.

Are you using a webhook publish to push data into the Azure Database?

Nice job @SirT. Website looks great. The data analytics examples in the Youtube video are impressive. Wishing you success with the business.

Cool product. I keep bees in western WI where the winter temps are very low. If your looking for a tester I could put one on a hive.